
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! As will always be the case I am grateful you have come to visit my site. As I continue the grind toward my business license, I still continue to make more clocks. As such I have added a new clock and a new memory clock to the respective sections. With any woodwork I do that involves names or dates I will blur them out so the information is not out there, but the general design will still be visible. Until I get the shopping cart set up on here feel free to message me thru email or thru the contact page. I am happy to help create things where I can.

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2/6/2025 - First and foremost, welcome to my page. I really appreciate it. I am starting this blog to share updates as they happen on here. For instance, I have created a logo to use for the business. It is done on a mantle clock. Right now, I have not made any of those, but they are coming in the future. As more things are made the images will be added on here as well. I still have to add the shopping feature. That will come after I figure out a few other things to make shipping safer for the clocks. I have also changed how the other pages are accessed. As you can see, they now list across the top instead of a drop down. Feel free to leave comments as you see fit, and I am happy to hear from you. Another feature I am working on is an order form with options for customization and either a description idea or an image add button for memory clocks. 

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